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Tampa Federal Defense Attorney Tips for Loved Ones
March 11, 2021

Facing criminal allegations doesn’t just affect the person who’s been charged with a crime. If you have someone in your life you’re close to who is dealing with legal matters, then you understand that it also takes its toll on that person’s friends and family members. It’s a challenging situation for people to navigate, and often, it can seem as though you’re powerless to help. That’s simply not the case, though. If you want to help out your loved one, you can use these insights from our professional federal defense attorneys in Tampa.

How to support a loved one with felony charges.

Don’t rush to judgment.

For many people, learning that a loved one is facing felony charges is an extremely emotional experience. Feelings of sadness, fear, anger, and confusion often overwhelm the individual, and this can cause them to lash out at the person who has been charged. If you have someone in your life in this situation, the best thing you can do for them is to remain calm. Rather than blaming or questioning them, allow them to explain their side of the story. That way, you’ll have all the facts of the case so you can provide the best support possible.

Be a sounding board for your loved one.

Your loved one is probably feeling every feeling you experienced when you first learned of the news in an even more intense manner. So one thing they likely need right now is someone to talk to. A felony charge can trigger many reactions in a person, and by simply lending an ear, you can help your loved one vent and release the tension that inevitably builds during the case. This simple gesture can truly help them get through this process without breaking down.

Offer them realistic reassurances.

You never want to lie to your loved one or deliver false promises when they are dealing with felony charges. However, you can give them helpful insights and words of encouragement to help them get through this experience. Let them know that they have a support system in place, keep them updated on the situation, remind them that they will manage to get through this, and continually reach out to them whenever you can.

Manage their daily affairs.

While your loved one is dealing with their felony case, they won’t have the ability to take care of their typical day-to-day responsibilities, so this is one of the most useful ways you can help them. Whether it’s looking after a pet, managing any needed child care, watering their plants, or moving their car so it doesn’t get ticketed or towed, handling these routine tasks eliminates what would otherwise be another stress-inducing aspect of this entire process.

Find them the right federal defense attorney in Tampa.

Felony cases are full of nuance, and the result of your loved one’s can change drastically depending on who they have representing them. You need to find a legal expert that doesn’t just have an impressive knowledge of the law, but one that is also experienced and comfortable litigating a case in front of a judge and jury. With the right representation, it’s possible to have the charges reduced or even dropped entirely.

Does your loved one need a federal defense attorney in Tampa?

Then you need to contact the team here at Candela Law Firm, P.A. As one of the premier board-certified federal defense attorneys in Tampa, we have both the knowledge and the expertise needed to give your loved one the best chance at reducing their charges or having the case thrown out entirely. We’ve tried hundreds of criminal cases, so we’re confident we can provide the utmost representation to help you all get through this unfortunate situation. Learn more about our background, or send us a message to set up an initial consultation.

Federal defense attorneys in Tampa can help your loved one argue their case.
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